医疗管理 - 硕士
The 健康信息学方向 focuses on management and data utilized by healthcare administration.
The Community Health Track centers on working within the community health areas.
Master of Science in 医疗管理 概述
The Master of Science in 医疗管理 builds on the skills and knowledge of business and management professionals, preparing them to succeed in the leadership of healthcare organizations. The program prepares future healthcare leaders to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare organizations by providing an overall improvement in the delivery of patient care.
If you’re interested in pursuing a career in the field of 医疗管理, 考虑十大正规网堵平台. 通过十大正规平台的加速计划, you could earn a 硕士 of Science Degree in 医疗管理 with a track in Health Informatics or Community Health in as little as 14 months.
Explore the 十大正规网堵平台 eHospital where you can virtually visit aspects of our healthcare learning programs and see how they all work together to train the future healthcare providers of the world.
医疗管理 - 硕士 可能的职业发展方向
Healthcare Administrators holding a master's degree in leadership may be eligible for positions in a variety of acute care and community settings The MHA program is designed to prepare graduates for careers as Medical and Health Services Managers, with a focus in Health Informatics and Community Health. Graduates working as nurses or in nursing-related fields may advance as well. Possible jobs include the following:
Medical and Health Servicers Managers
- 门诊门诊管理员
- 住院临床主任
- Health Information Management Corporate Director
- Health Information Management Director
- 健康管理器
- 心理健康十大正规平台经理
Opportunities for 医疗管理 硕士 Health Informatics
- 临床信息学分析师
- 临床信息学护士
- 临床信息学专家
- Clinical Informatics Systems Analyst
- 数字糖尿病研究主任
- 护理信息学主任
- 护理信息学专家
Opportunities for 医疗管理 硕士 Community Health
- 社区卫生顾问
- 教育协调员
- 健康教育协调员
- 健康教育专员
- 健康教育家
- 健康促进专员
- 公共卫生教育工作者
- 新闻主任
医疗管理 - 硕士 Program 结果
Upon successful completion of this program, the graduate will:
- Implement current best practices of leadership, 批判性思维, 决策, and interdisciplinary communication to support a healthcare organization team.
- Integrate evidence-based practice and data-driven action plans to improve the delivery of care and patient outcomes.
- Use current technologies to support an integrated healthcare model and analyze healthcare organizational structure and performance.
- Act as a change agent in collaboration with stakeholders by advocating for policies to improve the delivery of care, 社会福利, and social determinants impacting health.
Analyze principles of ethics and legal aspects relevant to the management of healthcare organizations.
进程ID | 课程名称 | 学分 |
MHA520 | MHA520 Principles of 医疗管理 | 3.00 |
MHA524 | MHA524 Advanced Healthcare Delivery Systems | 3.00 |
MHA526 | MHA526医疗保健法 & Ethics | 3.00 |
MHA530 | MHA530医疗保健统计 | 3.00 |
MHA592 | MHA592 Information Management in Healthcare | 3.00 |
MHA564 | MHA564 Human Resource Management Strategies | 3.00 |
MHA574 | MHA574 Healthcare Performance Measures & 监管 | 3.00 |
MHA600 | MHA600经济政策 & Procedure in Healthcare Organizations | 3.00 |
MHA620 | MHA620 MHA领导顶点 | 3.00 |
学时总数 | 27.00 | |